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Process examples#

Local Contexts Hub Labels - Dataverse#


Local Contexts is a global initiative that supports Indigenous communities with tools that attribute cultural authority of heritage and data. By focusing on Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property and Indigenous Data Sovereignty, Local Contexts helps Indigenous communities repatriate knowledge and gain control over how their data is collected, managed, displayed, accessed, and used in the future.

The Local Contexts Project developed TK and BC Labels (traditional knowledge and Biocultural) through sustained partnership within Indigenous communities. “The Labels allow communities to express local and specific conditions for sharing and engaging in future research and relationships in ways that are consistent with already existing community rules, governance and protocols for using, sharing and circulating knowledge and data.”

The Local Contexts Hub works in tandem with already existing information/collections management systems and tools. The Hub generates Labels and Notices (with permanent identifiers) so these can be added to already existing catalog and collections management systems.

Structure of the Process#


The process files can be found here: Local Contexts Hub Labels - Dataverse (Github process library). Note, that the files in the process library can be updated, so the files in this documentation might not be up to date.

The Local Contexts Hub Labels Process is available as a generated user interface version and with a html page, which includes UI elements for that process.

The specific instance files that are used for the process are:


The process uses 2 services, Local Contexts Hub and Dataverse, which are both connected with OpenAPI bridge. The Bridge-definition of Dataverse is in a specific json file, while the one for Local Contexts Hub is in the process-page file. This is because we already use the Dataverse bridge in other processes, while the Local Contexts Hub is only used in the process so far, so we can simply integrate it into the process page file.

In addition to the bridge, the process also includes a process module, scripts/process/lc_hub_labels.js.

User interface elements#

The User inputs for the services contain the following input fields:

for the lc_hub service, we only need one input field, the project id, from which we want to use the Labels and a button, which will pull the Labels from the Hub, in order to push them to the Dataverse dataset.

  "inputFields": {
    "project_id": {
      "label": "LC Hub Project ID"
  "buttons": {
    "fetch_labels": {
      "label": "Fetch labels",
      "triggerActivity": "read_lc_hub_data"

and for the Dataverse service (which is just called data_repo) we have 3 input fields:

  • the Dataverse instance Since Dataverse is not one centralized repository, we need to specify the instance, which is identified by its Web address (URL).
  • The dataset identifier The dataset identifier is the DOI of the dataset, which we want to update with the Labels.
  • The API Key The API Key is used to authorize the user, who wants to update the dataset metadata, which needs to be obtained from Dataverse.

For demonstration purposes, we have set the Dataverse instance to a default value and added an input action to the input field for the dataset identifier, which will automatically read the dataset metadata from the Dataverse instance, when the user enters the dataset identifier. This will add a small button to the input field, which will trigger the activity read_dataset when clicked, but also when the user presses enter after entering the dataset identifier. Lastly, there is a button, which after getting information, if the Labels are already exising and up to-date in the dataset metadata, will update the dataset metadata with the Labels.

  "inputFields": {
    "dataverseInstance": {
      "label": "Dataverse instance",
      "default": ""
    "data_repo_id": {
      "label": "Dataverse dataset doi",
      "inputActions": {
        "autoAction": "read_dataset"
    "apiKey": {
      "label": "API Key"
  "buttons": {
    "udpate": {
      "label": "Update Metadata",
      "triggerActivity": "postDatasetMetadata"


Now we will see the activities defined in the two services. After a general overview and the complete json of the activities definition, we look at individual feature of the toolkit that allow to describe how activities work.

The Local Contexts service has one activity:

  • Fetch project data, which fetches the LC Hub project metadata of the project given in the project_id input field
    • Sub-activity: Display project labels, which displays the Labels of the project in the service output section
    "read_lc_hub_data": {
      "title": "Fetch project data",
      "bridgeCapability": "read_dataset_metadata",
      "preProcess": "checkProjectID",
      "parameters": {
        "project_id": {
          "field": "project_id"
      "storeResult": {
        "context": "process",
        "key": "lc_hub_project_labels"
      "subActivities": {
        "displayLabels": {
          "title": "Display project labels",
          "moduleFunction": "display_project_labels",
          "parameters": {
            "lc_hub_project_data": {
              "parent": true
          "ui": {
            "resultAsOutputHtml": true
      "comment": "input_field can be omitted if there is an input_actions set"

The Dataverse service has 2 activities:

  • Fetch dataset metadata, which fetches the dataset metadata from the Dataverse instance, using the dataset identifier. The following sub-activities are executed and apply changes to the dataset metadata within the browser:

    • Sub-activity: find LCHub Project Reference, which checks if the dataset metadata already contains a reference to a local contexts project
      • Sub-activity: Create LCHub Reference, which transforms the local contexts project metadata into the format needed for the dataverse metadatablock
      • Sub-activity: Update the metadata of the dataset, which inserts the Local Contexts Hub reference into the dataset metadata
      • Sub-activity: Display updated dataset description, which displays the updated dataset metadata in the service output section
  • Post updated metadata, which updates the dataset on Dataverse (pushing the changes to the Dataverse instance)

    • Publish updated dataset, which publishes the dataset on Dataverse (Since making updates to the dataset, will change the status to draft)
  "read_dataset": {
    "title": "Fetch dataset metadata",
    "storeResult": {
      "key": "dataset"
    "requiredActivities": [
        "serviceName": "lc_hub",
        "activityName": "read_lc_hub_data",
        "errorMessage": "Please fetch the Local Contexts project Labels first"
    "parameters": {
      "persistentId": {
        "field": "data_repo_id"
    "bridgeCapability": "read_dataset_metadata",
    "subActivities": {
      "findReference": {
        "moduleFunction": "findLCHubProjectReference",
        "title": "Find LCHub Project Reference",
        "parameters": {
          "datasetData": {
            "parent": true
          "lc_hub_project_data": {
            "store": {
              "context": "process",
              "key": "lc_hub_project_labels"
        "storeResult": {
          "key": "referenceFound"
        "subActivities": {
          "createLCHubReference": {
            "title": "Create LCHub Reference",
            "moduleFunction": "createLCHubReference",
            "priority": 1,
            "parameters": {
              "lc_hub_project_data": {
                "store": {
                  "context": "process",
                  "key": "lc_hub_project_labels"
            "storeResult": {
              "key": "referenceData"
          "updateDatasetMetadata": {
            "title": "Update the metadata of the dataset",
            "moduleFunction": "updateDatasetMetadata",
            "storeResult": {
              "key": "edited_metadata"
            "parameters": {
              "datasetData": {
                "store": {
                  "context": "service",
                  "key": "dataset"
              "referenceFound": {
                "store": {
                  "context": "service",
                  "key": "referenceFound"
              "referenceData": {
                "store": {
                  "context": "service",
                  "key": "referenceData"
          "display_updated_description": {
            "title": "Display updated dataset description",
            "moduleFunction": "display_updated_description",
            "parameters": {
              "referenceFound": {
                "store": {
                  "context": "service",
                  "key": "referenceFound"
            "ui": {
              "resultAsOutputHtml": "udpated_dataset"
  "postDatasetMetadata": {
    "title": "Post updated metadata",
    "bridgeCapability": "update_dataset_metadata",
    "parameters": {
      "persistentId": {
        "field": "data_repo_id"
      "versionId": {
        "constant": ":draft"
    "requestBody": {
      "data": {
        "store": {
          "context": "service",
          "key": "edited_metadata"
    "subActivities": {
      "publishUpdatedDataset": {
        "title": "Publish updated dataset",
        "bridgeCapability": "publish_dataset",
        "preProcess": "shouldPublish",
        "parameters": {
          "persistentId": {
            "field": "data_repo_id"
          "type": {
            "constant": "minor"


  • bridgeCapability, moduleFunction: As explained before, each activity needs either a bridgeCapability or a moduleFunction property, specifying what bridge capability or process function should be invoked.

For the Local Contexts service we use the bridge capability: read_dataset_metadata and the module function: display_project_labels.

For the Dataverse service we use the bridge capabilities: read_dataset_metadata, update_dataset_metadata and publish_dataset and the module functions: findLCHubProjectReference, createLCHubReference, updateDatasetMetadata and display_updated_description.

  • proProecess: A module function that should be called before calling the actual execution. This can modify the parameters or cancel the activity execution.

For the Dataverse sub-activity publishUpdatedDataset of the activity postDatasetMetadata uses the preProcess function shouldPublish, which will check if the dataset, was a draft before modifying it. If it was a draft, it will not publish the dataset.

Data Access Request#

The 2nd example process is for data access application. In fact, it consists of 2 separate processes, one for data usage applications and another for data usage applications. Even tho some types of data repositories provide some kind of restricted data access features, this might not always be the case. This process again works with dataverse, which allows restricting files, and making requests to access those files. However, these need the applicant to have an account on the dataverse instance, which because of the distributed nature of dataverse does not provide a convenient pathway for data sharing. In addition, it required the data managers, to constantly monitor activities on the dataverse instance in order to manage data requests. Instead, the process we implement depend on 2 simple components: A singlefile php application, which allows to store and access data usage application and email for making the request communication. Therefor the data-managers do not need to register nor enter the dataverse instance.

While the process is functional, it is more for demonstration purposes of the toolkit, and would need to be extended to meet the requirements of real use cases. The two processes make use of the toolkit feature to create the user interface for the process. The generation of user interfaces is intended for rapid testing and prototyping of processes.

These are the instance files that are involved in the data usage application process. Compared to the LC Hub Labels example, this process is separated in a more granular way. This is in order to demonstrate how, how the process-page can be separated from the process. Having the components more separated, makes it easier to test replacing individual parts (e.g. in order to use another form of communication then email).

    process: data_request_process.json

    services.data_request.bridge: dataverse_bridge_openapi.json
    script: data_request.js

    openapiSchemaUri: openapi datastorage_openapi.json
    supportModuleUri: datastore.js

In the process page we specify the bridge that should be used for storing data request information (service: ' request_storage'). The information come from fields that the applicant has to fill out. It includes The dataverse dataset persistent id ( e.g. doi:...) a motivation text, which describes for what purpose the data will be used and the email address of the applicant. As explained above, we are using a single file php application for storing the data request information and set the bridge here, which is the description of an OpenAPI based bridge, with operations for reading, writing and deleting data.

The process-page for making data requests can include query-parameter in the url, namely reciever, which allows to specify the email address of the data owner and datasetId, which allows to directly set the dataset id (unique id on dataverse).

The process for responding to a request has two variants. On the demo-page we included the slightly more complex one data_request_restricted_response.json, which allows the data owner to decide, which files they want to make accessible.