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RIDAGOP IDS Toolkit ProcessPage Schema#


  • title (string): The title of the process page.
  • description (string): The description of the process page.
  • process (object) (required) : The process to be used. Either the full instance or a uri to the process description.
    • comment (string): A comment for other developers.
    • One of (1) (object)
      • uri (string/format: uri-reference) (required) : The uri to the process description.
    • One of (2) (object)
      • instance (required) : The full process instance, which needs to be a valid Process. Refer to process.
  • services (object): Process-page description for the services to be used in the process. The services here must match the services in the process.
    • Additional Properties: Keys are service names. Refer to PP-Service.
  • view (object): The type property of the view defines if the page view should be generated (build) or if specified ui elements should be mapped to existing ui elements in the html page.
    • type (string): The type of the view ('build' or 'map'). Must be one of: ['build', 'map'].
  • scriptUri (string/format: uri-reference): Absolute or relative url to the process-page module. this module will be merged with the process module. Activities can use the module function when they specify a 'moduleFunction' instead of 'bridgeCapability'.
  • common (object): Settings for the common part. Common activities can reference to all services.
    • description (string): The description of the common part.
    • ui: Settings of the common UI part. Refer to PP-UISettings.
    • parameters (object): Parameters that are available to all activities of common.
    • autostart: List of activities (names/keys in the the activities objects) that should be started automatically on startup (either a string or a list of strings).
      • One of (1) (string)
      • One of (2) (array)
        • Items (string)
  • local_prefix_path (string): Prefix path for all files specified with relative path.



  • PP-Service (object): A service as it is defined in the ProcessPage. Compared to Services defined in the Process, these cannot define activities.
    • title (string): The title of the service. Overwrites the til.
    • ui: Settings of the service UI part. Refer to PP-UISettings. Default: {}.
    • parameters (object): Parameters that are available to all activities of the service.
    • autostart: List of activities (names/keys in the the activities objects) that should be started automatically on startup (either a string or a list of strings).
      • One of (1) (string)
      • One of (2) (array)
        • Items (string)
    • bridge: The bridge definition for the service. Refer to process#P-BridgeDefinition.


  • PP-UISettings (object): UI settings.
    • sections (object): Each service has three sections: input, output and status.
      • input (object): The input section of the UI. This section is used to specify all the UI input elements (inputFields, buttons, checkboxes, ...)for the service.
        • display (boolean): Whether to display the input section. Note that the service UI is more elaborate in the process description. Default: True.
        • inputFields (object): The input fields (textfields) of the service.
          • Additional Properties (object)
            • default (string): Overwrite the default parameter of the process.
            • display (boolean): Whether to display the input field. Default: True.
        • blocks (array): Block are used for generated UI and allows grouping UI-Elements.
          • Items (object): Each item in the list is a block.
            • name (string) (required) : Name of the block.
            • title (string): Title of the block visible in the UI.
            • description (string): Description of the block visible in the UI.
            • items (array) (required) : List of items in the UI block. Each item is a UI-Element name.
              • Items (string): Name of the UI-Element.
      • output (object): Settings for the output section. This can be used to display results of an activity.
        • display (boolean): Whether to display the output section. Default: True.
      • status (object): Settings for the status section. This section shows which activities have been executed.
        • display (boolean): Whether to display the status section. Default: True.
    • display (boolean): Whether for the display of the page. This is only relevant when the page is generated (build). Default: True.