RIDAGOP Indigenous Data Sovereignty toolkit

Indigenous data sovereignty involves ensuring that Indigenous people have ownership and control over the collection, use, and management of their own data. Centralized data repositories can make it difficult for Indigenous communities to access and control their own data. They may be subject to restrictive policies and procedures that limit who can access the data, how it can be used, and where it can be stored. This can undermine Indigenous self-determination and limit the ability of Indigenous communities to use their own data to inform decision-making, planning, and development. The Research on Indigenous Data Governance Protocols (RIDAGOP) toolkit tries to tackle some of these problems, by allowing developers to create data-management processes that can interact with data repositories and can be used with custom built websites, tailored to the requirements of individuals communities, peoples, institutions or requests.

Read more about RIDAGOP
Toolkit Documentation

Example Processes

Local Contexts Labels to Dataverse

Add Local Contexts Labels from the LC Hub to any dataverse dataset, which you manage.

Data usage request

Demo data request process for dataverse datasets. The requests finishes with a email draft that is sent to the manager of the dataset. The manager upon receiving the email is sent to a process-page where they can see the request, reject it or accept it and select which files should be shared with the applicant. The process creates a new draft dataset and shares the private link with the applicant.