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RIDAGOP toolkit Process-Schema#

A process in the IDS toolkit


  • name (string) (required) : The name of the process. This is the name for internal identification (although there is only one process).
  • title (string): The title of the process.
  • description (string): A description of the process.
  • comment (string): A comment for the process. (For other developers).
  • services (object) (required) : Services with their UI-elements and activities.
    • Additional Properties: Each key specifies the name of a service. Refer to P-Service.
  • common (object): Common activities and ui elements (access to activities of other services).
    • description (string): The description for the common part.
    • ui (object): UI-elements that are available for the activities defined in the common section. Default: {}.
      • buttons (object): UI-Buttons. These buttons can trigger activities of all services of this process.
        • Additional Properties (object): key is the name of the button.
          • label (string) (required) : The label of the button.
          • triggerActivity (string) (required) : The name of the activity that is triggered. The activity must be of the same service.
          • activityService (string): The name of the service that contains the activity that is triggered.
          • triggerSequence (string): The name of the sequence that is triggered. The sequence must be of the same service.
    • parameters (object): Parameters that are usable by all activities of this service.
    • activities (object): Some activities. Consider that the bridge does not have a bridge, so these activities can only have module-functions.
      • Additional Properties (object): Each key specifies the name of an activity.
    • sequences (object): A sequence is a list of activities. This is for convenience for triggering multiple activities at once.
      • Additional Properties (object)
        • title (string): The user visible title of the sequence.
        • activities (array): The list of activities that are executed when the sequence is triggered.
          • Items (string): The name of an activity.
    • autostart: Activities that are started on page load.
      • One of (1) (string): One activity name.
      • One of (2) (array): A list of activity names.
        • Items (string)
  • scriptUri (string/format: uri-reference): The URI of the script that is used to run the process.



  • P-Service (object): A service as it is defined in the Process. Includes UI-elements, activities and shared parameters and the bridge.
    • title (string): The user visible title of the service.
    • description (string): The description of the process page.
    • ui: The UI-elements of the service. Refer to P-ServiceUI. Default: {}.
    • parameters (object): Parameters that are usable by all activities of this service.
    • autostart: Activities that are started on page load.
      • Any of (1) (string): One activity name.
      • Any of (2) (array): A list of activity names.
        • Items (string)
    • bridge: The bridge of this service. Refer to P-BridgeDefinition.
    • activities (object): The activities of this service.
      • Additional Properties: Each key specifies the name of an activity. Refer to P-Activity.
    • sequences (object): A sequence is a list of activities. This is for convenience for triggering multiple activities at once.
      • Additional Properties (object): Each key specifies the name of a sequence.
        • title (string): The user visible title of the sequence.
        • activities (array): The list of activities that are executed when the sequence is triggered.
          • Items (string): The name of an activity.


  • P-Activity (object): An activity which uses the bridge or a module function.
    • preProcess (string): a module function that is called before the activity is executed.
    • comment (string): A comment.
    • parameters (object): Parameters that are required by this activity.
      • Additional Properties: A parameter-name defined by the bridgeCapability or moduleFunction. Refer to P-Parameter.
    • requestBody (object): The request body of the activity (only relevant when using OpenAPI execution).
      • Additional Properties (object): Used when the body is multipart/form-data.
      • data (object): Used when the body is a JSON object.
        • fileInput (string): The name of the file input html-Element.
        • store: Some data in the store. Refer to P-StoreAccess.
    • requiredActivities (array): A list of activities that must be executed before this activity is executed.
      • Items (object): An activity that needs to be executed before this activity can be executed.
        • serviceName (string): The name of the service that contains the activity.
        • activityName (string) (required) : The name of the activity.
        • errorMessage (string): The error message that is shown when the activity is not executed (only for generated UI).
    • storeResult: Storing the result of the activity for later use. Refer to P-Store.
    • subActivities (object): Sub-activities are activities that are executed after this parent activity is executed.
      • Additional Properties: Each key specifies the name of a sub-activity. Refer to P-Activity.
    • ui (object): Some UI related settings for the activity.
      • includeInStatus (boolean): If true, the activity is included in the status of the service (default true).
      • resultAsOutputHtml: If the result of the activity should be shown on the page. For generated UI, there is a output section for each service. For mapped UI, a string can be used in order to specify the html element (element id).
        • One of (1) (boolean)
        • One of (2) (string)
      • resultAsDynamicUI (string): The result of this activity is used to generate some new UI-elements. The result data needs to validate against the process-Service UI schema. The string represents the postfix. use empty string for the default position (after the UI) or 'pre' to put it before the UI.
      • alert (boolean): Configure if the activity should show an alert when it is finished (default on top level activities is true).
    • debug (object): Some debug related settings for the activity.
      • execute (boolean): If false, the activity is not executed (default true).
      • resultData (object): Instead of executing the activity, the resultData is used as the result of the activity.
    • One of (1)
      • title (string) (required) : The user visible title of the activity.
      • bridgeCapability (required) : The name of the bridge capability that is used to execute the activity.
        • Any of (1)
          • Additional Properties (string)
        • Any of (2)
          • ^_.*$ (string)
    • One of (2)
      • title (string) (required) : The user visible title of the activity.
      • moduleFunction (string) (required) : The name of the module function (??? FROM WHERE) that is used to execute the activity.


  • P-ServiceUI (object): The UI of a service. Consider that many of the properties are only relevant when the Ui is generated. Default: {}.
    • inputFields (object): Inputfields are text-fields or text-areas.
      • Additional Properties (object): key is the name of the input field.
        • label (string): The label of the input field.
        • fromQueryParam (string): If this property is set, the field is initiated with the value of the query parameter.
        • default (string): The default value of the input field.
        • textArea (boolean): If true, the input field is a text area (which is nicer for longer inputs.
        • inputActions (object): Adds a small button next to the input. Clicking that or pressing enter triggers an action.
          • autoAction (string): The name of the action that is triggered.
    • buttons (object): Buttons are used to trigger actions.
      • Additional Properties (object): key is the name of the button.
        • label (string): The label of the button.
        • triggerActivity (string): The name of the activity that is triggered. The activity must be of the same service.
        • triggerSequence (string): The name of the sequence that is triggered. The sequence must be of the same service.
    • checkBoxes (object): Checkboxes are used to trigger actions.
      • Additional Properties (object): key is the name of the checkbox.
        • label (string): The label of the checkbox.
        • default (boolean): The default value of the checkbox.
    • selects (object): Selects items.
      • Additional Properties (object): key is the name of the select.
        • label (string): The label of the select.
        • options (array): The options of the select.
          • Items (object): An individual option.
            • label (string) (required) : The label of the option visible to the user.
            • value (string) (required) : The value of the option.
        • default (string): The default value of the select.
    • fileInputs (object): File inputs are used to upload files.
      • Additional Properties (object): key is the name of the file input.
        • label (string): The label of the file input.
        • accept (string): The file types that are accepted (MIME type).
        • binary (boolean): If true, the file is read as binary. Otherwise it is read as text.
        • readImmediately (boolean): If true, the file is read immediately. Otherwise it is read when an activity that requires it is triggered.
        • keepAsFile (boolean): If true, the file is not read but just used like that in a multipart-form.


  • P-CommonActivity (object): A activity in the common section of the process, can be a regular activity or a reference to an activity of any service.
    • One of (1)
      • preProcess (string): a module function that is called before the activity is executed.
      • comment (string): A comment for developers.
      • parameters (object): Parameters that are required by this activity.
      • requestBody (object): The request body of the activity (only relevant when using OpenAPI execution).
        • Additional Properties (object): Used when the body is multipart/form-data.
        • data (object): Used when the body is a JSON object.
          • fileInput (string): The name of the file input html-Element.
          • store: Some data in the store. Refer to P-StoreAccess.
      • requiredActivities (array): A list of activities that must be executed before this activity is executed.
        • Items (object): An activity that needs to be executed before this activity can be executed.
          • serviceName (string): The name of the service that contains the activity.
          • activityName (string) (required) : The name of the activity.
      • storeResult (object): Storing the result of the activity for later use. Not exactly like in a service. The context can only be process or activity.
        • context (string): The context of the variable.
          - Process: Variable is available by all services and their activities.
          - Service: Variable is available by all activities of this service.
          - Activity: Variable is available to this activity and its sub-activities and deleted afterwards. (default: process) . Must be one of: ['process', 'activity'].
        • key (string) (required) : key in the store ( dots are not allowed).
      • subActivities (object): Sub-activities are activities that are executed after this parent activity is executed.
        • Additional Properties: Each key specifies the name of a sub-activity (Either a normal activity or a reference). Refer to P-CommonActivity.
      • debug (object): Some debug related settings for the activity.
        • execute (boolean): If false, the activity is not executed (default true).
        • resultData (object): Instead of executing the activity, the resultData is used as the result of the activity.
      • One of (1)
        • title (string) (required) : The title of the activity.
        • bridgeCapability (required) : The bridge-capability that is used for this activity.
          • Any of (1)
            • Additional Properties (string)
          • Any of (2)
            • ^_.*$ (string)
      • One of (2)
        • title (string) (required) : The title of the activity.
        • moduleFunction (string) (required) : The function that is used to execute the activity.
    • One of (2): A reference to a activity that is defined in a service of the process.
      • title (string) (required) : The user visible title of the activity.
      • serviceName (string) (required) : The name of the service that has the activity that should be executed.
      • activityName (string) (required) : The name of the activity that should be executed.
      • subActivities (object): Sub-activities are activities that are executed after this parent activity is executed.
        • Additional Properties
      • debug (object): Some debug related settings for the activity.
        • execute (boolean): If false, the activity is not executed (default true).
        • resultData (object): Instead of executing the activity, the resultData is used as the result of the activity.


  • P-PostProcess (array): function that processes the activity result before it is stored or passed on to other activities.


  • P-Parameter (object): Parameter for an activity.
    • type (string): Type of the parameter value. Must be one of: ['string', 'number', 'boolean'].
    • parent: Result from the parent activity passed down (to this sub-activity).
    • previous: Result from the previous sub-activity.
    • field (string): Data from an Inputfield, Checkbox or Select.
    • queryParam (string): Data from a URL-query parameter.
    • constant (string): A constant non changing value specified here.
    • fileInput (string): Data from a file-input field UI-Element.
    • store: Data from the store. Refer to P-StoreAccess.
    • generate (object): Generate a value based on an activity.
      • bridgeCapability: The name of the bridge capability that is used to execute the activity.
        • Any of (1)
          • Additional Properties (string)
        • Any of (2)
          • ^_.*$ (string)
      • moduleFunction (string): The name of the module function (??? FROM WHERE) that is used to execute the activity.
      • parameters (object): Parameters that are required by this activity.
        • Additional Properties: A parameter-name defined by the bridgeCapability or moduleFunction defined for this 'generate' parameters. Refer to P-Parameter.
    • dynamic (boolean): if true, the parameter is not passed to the activity, but is used to generate a dynamic UI.
    • comment (string): A comment for other developers.
    • fromQueryParam (string): Overwrite const with queryParam of this name (works for text inputs and constant) parameters.


  • P-BridgeDefinition (object): The bridge definition, containing the source (either uri or the whole instance) and some additional properties.
    • source (required) : The source (uri or instance). Refer to P-ServiceBridge.
    • server: The server host of this service bridge. Refer to P-BridgeServerHost.
    • authorization (object): From where to take the authorization code for OpenAPI bridge. Usually a API/Auth-Token.
      • Additional Properties
        • One of (1) (string): A constant value that contains the token (Only recommended for testing purposes).
        • One of (2) (object)
          • field (string): A field (Inputfield UI-Element) that contains the token.
        • One of (3) (object)
          • queryParam (string): A URL-query parameter that contains the token.
        • One of (4) (object)
          • constant (string): A constant value that contains the token (Only recommended for testing purposes).


  • P-ServiceBridge (object): The bridge for this service.
    • One of (1)
      • uri (string/format: uri-reference) (required) : The URI of the bridge description json file.
    • One of (2)
      • instance (required) : The bridge description. Refer to bridge.


  • P-BridgeServerHost: The server host of this service bridge.
    • One of (1) (string/format: uri): The server host of this service bridge.
    • One of (2) (object): from a input-field UI-Element (textfield/textarea).
      • field (string) (required) : Name of the input-field UI-Element.
    • One of (3) (object)
      • queryParam (string) (required) : URL query parameter.
    • One of (4) (object)
      • constant (string/format: uri) (required) : a constant non changing value.


  • P-Store (object): Description for storing activity results. Results can be stored on 3 levels (context), in order to prevent name collisions: process, service (default), activity.
    • context (string): The context of the variable.
      - Process: Variable is available by all services and their activities.
      - Service: Variable is available by all activities of this service.
      - Activity: Variable is available to this activity and its sub-activities and deleted afterwards. (default: service) . Must be one of: ['process', 'service', 'activity'].
    • key (string) (required) : key in the store ( dots are not allowed).


  • P-StoreAccess (object): Description for accessing a stored value.
    • context (string): From which context to access the variable. See P-Store. Must be one of: ['service', 'process', 'activity'].
    • key (string) (required) : key in the store. This can also be '.' separated in order to get nested properties. It is using the lodash get function :
    • default: default value if the key is not found.